To everything there is a match.
Peanut butter has jelly.
You notice the strange girl with all the tattoos. There is also a strange boy also with many tattoos. They were meant for each other. Divine Creation. Intelligent Design. A whole split into two, looking for their other half.
The flute fetish band geek met Jim, the flute fetish band geek that just forgot to join the band.
To everything there is an energy.
I attract from the universe what I give out to the universe. Why do I smile all the time? Because it attracts me smiles. And I like smiles. So I smile to get more smiles. And I get more smiles. That make me smile more. And then I get even more smiles. And then after a while, I just cannot stop smiling. Sound like a run-on sentence. It is. Keep reading it until you get the point. Energy is addictive. Positive energy is an addiction.
You attract what makes your insides excited.
And whatever makes your insides excited. You want more of. Because excited insides make you happy. And when you're happy, you want more of what makes you happy.
So the question... what makes your insides excited?
The beauty of life. It can be whatever you fucking want. How cool is that?!
Life is trying things to see what works. It might take you 6 days, 6 months, 6 years, or 60 years to figure out what works. And that's OK. You might have to do everything wrong to do it right. That's OK too.
The important thing. Is that you tried. What If it doesn't work out?! Ahhh, but what if it does?!
The secret. Lies in figuring out yourself.
The 3 most important things in life for any person... any race, color, sex, origin, disease, EVERYONE:
- Confidence in yourself
- Respect yourself
- Love yourself
And the rest is attraction. You don't have control. Stop trying. Just live.
Learn from the bad things. Enjoy the good things. Piss on the rest, it doesn't matter.
And when you understand this. And you see it work. Life IS a beautiful thing.
You will attract what you need.
I'm a firm believer that opposites attract to teach you a lesson. Like some people that think I'm a freak, you know you do, just admit it, ha ha ha... but you will read this.... because you can'd stand not reading it!!!!
What I post, even if you completely disagree with it... it teaches you something. Perhaps what you want to be. Perhaps what you don't want to be. But everything in life is a growth opportunity.
Dive head first into life.
What the word needs is more people with passion.
But don't try to change the world, the balance is already set.
For every criminal rebel force, there is an angel doing good deeds.
For every doctor saving lives, there is a warrior taking lives.
For everyone that falls in love at 5, there is someone that won't fall in love until 50. And that is OK.
For everyone that has a fetish, there is someone else that has your same fetish. You're not a freak. You just need to find your freak. Don't judge. And don't be judged.
Accept. Enjoy. Live passionately.
And the most important thing to remember... whatever it is... it is OK.
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